Today at 5pm my friend and i cast at drain near my house .. this drain so full of large kangkung ... kangkung plants almost cover this drain . Just a few open areas suitable for the cast, it is difficult to cast because the bait is always stuck on the kangkung thick. The use of Seahawk mini-frog frog successfully prevented from being stuck with kangkung. from my observations there are bubbles in the area with sound .. pop! kangkung this area .. haruan be at this area . Let the hunt begin !
Today I managed to catch three haruan , but only managed to raise one haruan ...300grm , another two haruan missed when I try to pull it in a thick kangkung...arrrghhh!!!

Small and cute compare to my weapon...Shimano Calcutta 50XT , around 530pm..we pack our gear and back home...the rain is coming! run....
1 comment:
suka tgk ur blog
tapi saya tak gemar sangat memancing
cuma kangkung tu menarik minat
buat kangkung goreng belacan sedap
kalau jadikan bahan dalam gado-gado pun best
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