530 pm...Cast with my friends at " Banana farm " near Village x .
Cast almost 1 hour using scum frog without any strike , than i change toseahawk mini frogy . Cast in the middle of the drain...pop! get strike . I waited for about 3-4 second before i gave it hefty yank . The huge fellow broke the surface in its bid the hook . After falling to do so ,it surged left and right among underwater weeds, which i saw my rod bending to a heart throbbing C shape . Luckily for me , it was struggling in the middle of drain which less snaggy . The fight lasted for 2-3 minutes , before the fellow wrapped itself with huge bunch of weeds...i won! Yehoo!!! i catch 44cm snakehead .
Seahawk mini frogy swallowed by snakehead
44cm snakehead with my weapon...Daiwa Alphas 103
catch and released
Hey Mizlan. I've been following along, but haven't been able to comment because the comment section has been missing. I wanted to tell you that in the Eastern US, they've put a bounty on the Snakehead. It's tearing up the local fish and the Fish and Game Departments want it gone. Coming to the US anytime soon? They could sure use you.
wow! that was great idea...i wish i can go to Eastern US and hunt snakehead
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