5pm..back from work..cast at secret pond with my friends .
I had made about ten casts in the area and was about to move away ,but somehow i just stay and continued to cast . I made repeated cast to a small part of the pond . I felt a suspicious bump . In less than a second that bump became ferocious ..Pop!....Yehoo!!!...i catch 1.0 kg Haruan.
My weapon with haruan..TICA DJ 100 + Eupro EX-5 30lb braided + Lemax Slim Max rod
Close-up view...my Seahawk mini frog with haruan
Catch and released
Go baby go...!!!
wow...besar haruan tu..tahniah...
tq bro Fahiz..masih mencari saiz 2kg..harap ada sebelum habis tahun 2009 ni
hari2 mancing, ko ni memang pemancing tegarla,hahaha. besar je nampak ikan pic kedua tu? berapa kilo?
bro fazrin...klu free ja aku memancing...klu ikut hati mmg hari2 nk memancing ,haruan tu berat 1kg
huhu haruan 1kg tu kira besar la,
syok oo mancing, kalau dapat macam ni
Mizlan, you are the Snakehead Master. Sounds like you always have a fun day on the "secret" ponds you visit.
Tight Lines
Great work on that big one!
Nice catch!^^
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