530pm..back from work , cast with my friends at drain near village X .
After 4 strike without hook up..finally i get soft strike near weedy area..Pop! ..Yehoo!!..i catch 100grm haruan..small but jump in the air !
Solid hook up on the lip
Haruan with my weapons..Abu Garsia Ultra Cast ii rod + Abu Garsia Cardinal 105 spinning + 20lb EX-5 Eupro braided line
The king of snakehead killer lure of the day !...Seahawk mini frog
640pm..we pack our weapons and back home..till the next hunt !
Hey Mizlan. I'm amazed at the ferocity of this fish. I would put them right up there with a Barracuda and maybe even more ferocious. Kind of scary in my book.
Very scary considering they live in shallow fresh water drains.
Tight lines
Salam pada Bro mizlan... dari kami http://firestartingautomobil.blogspot.com
wahhhh sekarang hari gelap pun masih boleh mendalak lagi....
kami dapat lihat semakin banyak yang mengikut kamu pergi mendalak kat sana seronok plak nampaknya.....
dapat dilihat mr ridzuan and mr yasin selalu gak nampak ngan bro mizlan bersama2 pergi mendalak ni ye
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