7am..cast with my friends at secret pond near Village X .
The first cast resulted in nothing , not even nudge . Then i cast near stalks of grass. There was "Pop"!!!...Yehoo!!..i catch 300grm haruan
Close up view...Haruan swallow my Eupro Superior frog
Catch and released...
Tahniah, Mizlan. Best kalau hari2 cast di sana, pasti ada yang membaham.
tq Rodney...mmg best cast kt situ cuma kdg2 tu kunpow gak kt situ,rekod kt situ 1.7kg.
salam dari kami http://firestartingautomobil.blogspot.com/
Bro mizlan lama aku taak ziarah blog kamu ade kesibukan yang melanda kat bengkel lah..
part 1: predator vs haruan... aku suka tengok pic tu yup serupa macam askar dalam ceriter predator
but kali ni ceritanya lain pegang joran.. hasil 400grm dapat dinaikkan.. bsar gak
Part 2: Secret haruan pond... seawal pagi ko dah gi memancing ye dengan 300grm..
tapi setiap kali kamu pergi mendalak pasti tak menghampakan ....
Mizlan, what is the smallest frog lure (or mini frog) you have found?
You guys are hardcore!
macam tu ker dalam mulut ikan haruan??? takut saya tengok..
ini klu masak sup ni mmg sodap....nyum2
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