To all my friends and my blog readers thank for always visit my blog...from 6 january until now i had a fever , my temperature 38 degrees Celsius (C)...feeling cold , Muscle aches , Loss of appetite and shivering . Just lay down on the bed and can't go to work and fishing...arrrghh !!!
get well soon bro!
Semoga cepat sembuh bro..
jgn lupa makan ubat bro,,,
bro mizlan demam plak .... klu tak ligat dia gi mendalak.... sunyi plak tak ade berita pasal ikan haruan ni.... hope sembuh ngan cepat.... ok sihat segera banyakkan rehat .....
Hope you get well soon my friend. Eat lots of chicken noodle soup and drink fresh juice. Also watch fishing videos.
Tight lines
Get well wishes from Northern California. Sounds like a good case of the flu. Like Callan says. Chicken Noodle Soup and juice should do the trick.
lan, sementara ko deman ni, buat la satu post tips2 memancing haruan, leh aku belajo
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